Saturday, May 22, 2004

Back In Business

It has certainly been such a long time since i set foot here again. The tendency for me to not constantly update this writing space of mine seems ironic although I had often told myself to. It had seem like a more difficult task to update it even with round the clock Internet connection compared to when I was back homes during the holidays where I had to type my entries in Wordpad before posting it online through the not so trusty dial-up. The reasons ranges from my active involment in preparation for CF activities to not having to sit down and start writing it down. I do agree to a statement made by Dr. Tan Soo Inn "Sitting down to write a journal or blogging requires one to slow the down the paste of life activities to sit and reflect on what has happened throughout the day." I had not prepared myself to take up that task until now.

Many things had happened throughout my absence from my blog. Some were good, some were not so good. I was so caught up with so many things that I didnt have time to sit down to reflect what had happened and what I had learned throughout the day. What I regret most is not having to be able to write it all down in detail. However, I thank God for always being by my side at all times whether I was busy with activities, worrying about my FYP title, felling disorientated by family matters and realising how inedequatte and vulnerable I was. He had thought me patience and understanding, providing for my needs by giving us the FYP title I wanted, brought peace and closeness between my parents and I and learning to always give with a cheerful hard without expecting anything in return.

I am truly blessed. Its hard to imagine or comprehend God's grace for my life. He has already giving me so much that I sometimes feel that I do not deserve this. A good life, loving family, providing for my wants even when I didn't really prayed much about it (eg. a person to consider as my soulmate, a much dreamt of band, 2 person in a room) and teaching me to grow up (eg. learning to be early for meetings and classes, sleeping early most of the time, a healthy lifestyle, planning my life). Its simply remarkable what a God or should i say a friend who has always given so much and never expecting anything in return. This is the God I believe in and serve all my life.

CG Leaders Training

I had just return after paying a visit to the upcomin CG leaders of the CF for this academic year. It was simply interesting to sit and observed the people during the games session, at the same time participating myself in the discussion by reviewing the CG as a whole. I was simply impress by the way it was conducted and seen how some of them had grown so much from the time I knew them to know. Peace came to my heart knowing that in the future, the CF and CGs will indeed be in good hands of those who will come and rise up as leaders in the future.

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