Wednesday, July 07, 2004

My Life In CFMMU

I was reflecting my life as a university student in particular a member of the Christian Fellowship. It has been almost 5 good years I have participated in the Christian Fellowship. I have grown to be who I am today because of CF. The people that I met throughout the many years, both seniors and juniors have impacted me in one way or another. There have been joy and sorrow. However, at the end of the day I am blessed to be associated and played a role in the CF.

It has come to attention that CF has began to show a decline. Many have noticed that CF is no longer as excited as it used to be. Coming to CF every Tuesday seems to be a routine or a chore that many find it pointless to even attend. Excuses seem to pop up everytime CF is mention. Work, studies and appointment seem to be more important than CF. I am not saying that work, studies and appointment isn't important, ain't it the main purpose why we decided to come to university to study and obtain a decent degree? It is more about priorities that we set upon ourselves to finish our work, studies and appointment beforehand so that we can allocate time to attend CF for the purpose of fellowship with fellow Christian and communion with Jesus our Saviour.

Seniors have begun to slowly leave the CF and juniors have begun to disappear after the first few meeting. Its hard to imagine CF going through a face where members do not find it a joy to come for CF. There is a choice to be made whether to attend CG or CF. Many prefer to attend CG because of the small group setting and have began to compromise from attending CF. The issue of having difficulty in mixing around and not being able to fit it in a big environment seem to be the best excuse for many to not attend CF.

Are we coming to CF to expect a grand welcome? Are we expecting people to come and give us the best treatment so that we may feel comfortable and not left out?

It is an irony to be that we expect so much yet contribute so little. We talk and complain to people around us about the minutiae details that we forget to look at the big picture.

Do you know what the big picture is? J-E-S-U-S C-H-R-I-S-T

A simple word yet so hard to understand. We need to come to a reliasation that Jesus should be the centre of the CF, it should be the sole purpose why we attend CF.

Would you come to CF if you were alone in a room with no worship, no precher and no fellowship? Many times we look at the exterior yet forget the interior that God is within each and our hearts. Do you know that He is there beside you all the time?

I am sending out this message to tell those who read my writings and apart of the CF that the committee does not own or control the CF. WE are the ones who own the CF and we need to claim it with full of passion and enthuasiam to see the CF grow not in numbers alone but in spirit. The committees are faced with a realisation that we at times feed like we are facing a blank wall. Expectation are high I must admit but expectaction will only be expectation if we do not come together as brothers and sisters, hand in hand to bring CFMMU into greater heights. The Lords work is not not done by a few but by each of us. We need to step out from our comfort zone and support those who are in battle to win and proclaim Jesus in this campus, MMU.

We have been so blessed that at times we forget we started our roots. It was not an easy beginning to start a CF in MMU let alone have weekly meetings in campus and relatively big bank account to support our activities. It is because of God's grace that we are where we are and we should not take God's grace for granted.

I humbly call out to those who read this to join hands in prayer. Put aside the status, be it senior or junior, committee or non-committee, friends or foe. Let us do it unto the Lord and proclaim Christ in our CF in our university. Pray with us and we would see God working tremedously in our life, our studies and our families.

God bless

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