Sunday, August 13, 2006

Moving On


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A sea of crowd. A description that best explain the atmosphere.

Friends. Family. Vendors.VIP. Groups of people congregating to make this affair meaningful yet auspicious. Shout of celebration. Message of congratulation. Flashes of memoirs. Sticky sweaty bodies. Ewww!

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It was a moment of accomplishment as I witness friends who had walk in as freshies a couple of years ago, standing tall in front of the chancellor dressed in fine robes with a tupee over their head receiving what is to be an acknowledgement of their well fought success. Well fought may remain subjective to individuals. Despite of the various paths taken, it is the end that matter. Some had pass through with flying colours, others had to slought it out. Stepping out with a degree in hand would be enough just to see smiles across their faces.

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I was reminded a year ago when I was in their shoes. It was indeed a moment to savour. To see fellow peers walk unto the stage and receiving the scroll of a succesful career ahead. A scroll in which we had parted three or four years of our life just to earn it, in hope for a better future. Some may follow the continue the path that they had walk during the past few years, many would venture into greener pastures. I was one of the latter. A pathway that I had not imagine myself getting into. It seems closest to the path I had taken and so far, it has been an enjoyable journey. Despite the comfort, there is indeed a tingering sensation within me to venture into industry which I dream of constantly yet I will wait for the time to come.

As I began to convey my congrats to the ones who were the star of the day while snapping a picture or two as rememberance, I began to reflect on the times spend together.

Immature they arrived, Influence they have imparted;
Uncertainty implanted, Giftings unconvered;
Unbelief they had within, Confidence they had developed;
Strangers they were, Friends they had become;

It was a proud moment to see many of them grow up to be individual that will impact their community in future.

It was a happy moment to know that many whom I had known remain close. Some had unfortunately fizzled and become distant.

Life goes on. As we venture into different paths in life, things change. People change. Situation change. At times I wish it will remain the same yet what would life be if it isnt changing. I too have change, hope for the better.

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I wish those who will step out into the rat race to discover who they are and follow their heart in whatever endeavour they pursue so long as it is according to the plans that He has laid for them. Finding for it may at times be difficult but always hear the tugging of the heart and faintless whispers of the One who have the best laid plan for them if they will only listen and ask of Him. Enjoy work as you enjoy life because life would not be what it is if work becomes a chore and routine cycle. Break the cycle creatively with events that would allow you to appreciate life as what God had intended man to enjoy. Be steadfast in faith.

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