Thursday, January 27, 2005


This topic have been running through my mind for a couple of weeks. It was quite surprising that Pastor Brian brought it up again during his speaking on Tuesday night CF. The other times that it was brought to my mind was during one of my church members wedding and during the election committee meeting. I did feel it was speaking to me about areas in which I had or am compromising on.

One of the areas that is so vivid when it comes to comprising is our lifestyle. The issue of drinking seem to struck me. I am not a drinker by nature but have a liking for wine in particular. It is the quiet taste of it that seem to bring about a desire of drinking whenever the oppurtunity arises. The last time I had this oppurtunity was during my church members wedding. There was a cocktail party before the dinner where free flow of soft drinks, wine and beer was served. I did not hesistate to have a glass since the waiter was going around offering everyone. I had a glass of wine and soon ended up having another at the table. It may be nothing as I was drinking to get drunk. Logically, I was right. Besides, many of those from my church who were at my table had a glass as well. Some even had glasses of beer on the table. It seems harmless as neither of us wanted to drink and get drunk.

However, I realised something. I notice the two tables that were beside had comprise of fellow friends of the bridegroom who were from the brethen church. I notice their glasses. They were all filled with either tea or soft drinks. Not a single glass of alcohol. I felt guilt over me. Had I compromise by drinking with the reasoning that I was not going to get drunk?

The habit of compromise is evident in every society even among Christians like myself. We go about doing everything that we aren't suppose to and reassuring ourselves with reasons that sound logically sound to a point it project innocence. However, we have already taken a step of ignorance. Worse of all we comfort ourselves with reasons like, "I drink but I don't get drunk." or "I go to clubs because I like to dance." At that point of time, Pastor Brian message seems relevant.

Christians have always been uphold by the general public as a set of people with a difference. Many times we choose to ignore our difference in society and comform to the world. We do almost everything under the sun just like everyone around us. A slightest indulgence caused us to be in the spot light. People notice our behaviour and lifestyle. There is much hoo-haa going on about a Christian drinking, a Christian clubbing or even a Christian signing attendance for a friend. Why are we notice? Because we are different. The difference is because we have Christ.

One of the area that I had compromise this week had been my spiritual walk. I had not been able to spend time in reading of His word and seeking Him. It is not because I do not have the time but laziness had crept into my soul. I would prefer to go to sleep, read the newspaper or even watch TV. I had compromise on my relationship with Him. Though in my heart I knew that God is always beside me and He loves me no matter what I do or say, I had taken Him for granted and compromise on my walk with Him this week. What am I to do? I need to repent and draw closer to Him again.

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