Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Catching Up

I had the oppurtunity of meeting with Danette last night with my sister. We finally got to meet one another after almost a month and half of setting up a date to meet and not being able to due to being occupied. It was good to catch up with her after such a long time as we had dinner at the Asia Cafe at SS15. One of the things I told her is that she is one of the few who had taken the initiative to call back to meetup. There are many whom I had made plans to meet and catch up. Some I had managed to meet, others I am still trying to. It is not easy to actually find a suitable time to meet up with people due to individuals involvement. There are some whom I had been calling for almost two months to meet up and have yet to do so.

It is quite frustrating at times when one is doing the initiating all the time. I do sometimes have thoughts of giving up trying to meet up. Frankly, I believe in mutual communication. Meeting up would be best if both parties intend to do so. One of the reason we normally catch up with friends is to keep in touch with them even when we do not see them often anymore. Keeping in contact would help in continuing the friendship that was made and allowing both parties to have something to talk about if they do meet.

There are many I have known that I have no longer been in contact with. Many of them I used to be closed with have suddenly became alien. It is hard to strike a conversation more so want to keep in contact with them. However, I would try to keep in touch with as many people as possible. As I begin to prepare myself to go into the working world where work would be apart of my life, I hope to be able to continue to keep in touch with friends that I have met and known. It is not easy as I see that my seniors hardly can find to do so. Knowing this, I guess I have to prepare myself for it. It takes a lot of initiative and perseverance to keep in touch. Friendship takes work to develop.

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