Tuesday, October 19, 2004

A Thought To Ponder

Dinner time had always been a time when my parents would start advising me about my future and what I should do to prepare myself especially when I am currently doing my internship back in my hometown and am going to graduate next year. The issue of finding a good job at a good company have always been the issue that I had to faced. This has become more frequent especially when my sister prepares to go for her internship next semester. My parents have always stressed that she should get a good company so that she would be able to countinue working there later if the job is good.

It seems quite obvious that my parents seems to be adamant about working in KL. They are able to come out with a hundred to one reason why KL is not a good place to work. This had strengthened their reason even more since I started training in Seremban and they have always mentioned that it is a blessing to stay here instead of working in KL where I had to endure the tiredsome and long jams that KL is famous for.

To a certain extend, I must agree to their reason that I am quite fortunate for not having to travel down to KL to work as intended to and have the oppurtunity to be close to home where I would not get myself in such a situation like this. Besides, food is applenty and I have the oppurtunity to rest and see as much TV as I can back at home. It seems Seremban seems to be an ideal place to live and even to find a job. They have insisted that if I was to graduate that I should apply to work here if I did not manage to get a good offer that be a better option to stay in KL.

KL seems to be a place of hustle and bustle. Besides, it is not easy to live in KL especially for a fresh graduate who need to come up with extra money for house rental and maybe to even finance a car. There would be not a single penny left in the pocket at the end of the day. It would merely be surviving. I have heard of similar incidences as this and the thought scares me at times.

I do agree to a certain extend that Seremban is certainly one of the best place in Malaysia to stay. Geographically speaking, Seremban is one of the most strategic places to live in as it takes less than an hour to travel to the city of Kuala Lumpur which is reputatable as a shopping paradise and a happening place to hang out, to the beaches of Port Dickson, to the KL International Airport to travel to the rest of the world and the to the mountains and hillsides of the places liek Jelebu and Ulu Bendul. Besides, there is not much of a problem when it comes to public transport as Seremban host one of the central points where people could take buses to anywhere in Malaysia (considering many people only know Seremban because they had temporary stopped by while on the way to other places like Malacca or KL) and the KTM Komuter which takes one to to KL without having to go through the jams. Other than that, the cost of living in Seremban is pretty low as compared to KL. Food is reasonable and the cost of renting or even buying your own house is so much affortable here.

There is so much advantage in Seremban that it does makes you wonder why does everyone throng to KL to get stuck in the rat race life. I do agree yet cannot imagine myself now staying and working in Seremban. It is not surprising as I have met some fresh graduates from as far as Sarawak to as near as KL who have come to Seremban to work. However, weekends would see them heading to KL instead as there is not much to do in Seremban. My parents have even given me some thought about staying here to work for a couple of years so that I would be able to save enough money to buy a property or even save up for my future whether it be for my wedding or setting up a business.

I still have yet to ponder as my current mentality is to pursue my career in KL just like everyone else. Right now, I am not so sure. However if there is a good oppurtunity for me to stay, I may consider it after I have calculated the cost of staying in KL instead. A thought to ponder.

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