Monday, October 04, 2004

Training Week 4: My Future?

It would be almost 4 weeks since I started work at Philips and it would be a month that I was employed here. It seem that time had passed by so very quickly. It begins with Monday and in a blink of an eye, Friday is here which signals the beginning of weekend, something that I looked forward to every week.

Progress has been rather slow this week compared to previous weeks. This was because I had moved from designing the interfaces of the program to actually starting to do the programming in the background of it. It seems my unfamiliarity with the language and the different functions available had caused me find it abit difficult to implement my ideas in the software. The lack of reference was one of my main reasons. I had scoured through the Internet for reference but most of the things I had downloaded had given much hint to what I wanted to do. The Visual Basic book which I had borrowed from Pei Chi proved worthless as there was insufficient information to understand the functions and implement it. I guess I will be on the lookout for more references and resources both in books and website to assist me in completing this project.

It seems such a struggle to even thinking of finishing this project. At first, I was adamant to believe that I could finish it earlier and move to a different area in the company. However, ever since I started on the programming side of it, my thoughts of even finishing it seems futile. I could not obtain the results that I wanted. Besides, I had approached my surpervisors this week, Mr. Soo and Mr Elfiz. Their feedback were good in giving me a clear picture of what this program will looked like once it is finish and the practicality side of it in terms of being user friendly and able to obtained the necessary information needed for their daily analysis. However, some of their recommendation seem pretty hard to come by especially implementing in such a way that the software would be able to be very versatile to modification without the need of making changes to the program. For instance, having an option that would allow the user to add machines and change the order of the machines. This would need the program to implement changes in the form. It would be much easier to make the necessary modification when the necessary changes are made rather than implementing a dynamic algorithm for it.

At this point of time, work seems to come to a halt. Little was achieve as the thoughts of fulfilling this criteria were beyond my understanding. It seem to spur my thoughts of the future. What I would like to see myself working as? It seems that programming was out of the questions. Most times, computer engineers have been likened to IT professional as there had been a huge exposure in our sylabbus towards programming and software. I seem to wonder at times whether the task of a computer engineeer is somewhat similiar to our IT counterparts. I seem to realise while working here that we would be the ones implementing the software created for the machines. Besides, we would be the ones looking into the machines availability and checking on the compatibility of the system or even proposing a new system to obtain the necessary information needed. Semiconductor seemed like an industry I would not want to venture into unless the doors to other oppurtunity are closed before me. I still prefer to venture into the area of networking and system in particularly implementing open source software such as Linux. This is due to the current trend of companies looking for alternatives to reduce cost especially in terms of software spending. Besides, learning about security of a system would be an added advantage. The thoughts of having alot of people venturing into this area would also leave me no choice but to find other alternative. Other than that, there is still a huge tendency within me to fulfill my dream occupation which is architecture in the future. I guess whether it be engineering or architecture, I would probably take the path towards the business area.

It seems at this point I was begining to think about my future. There was so much things that I wanted to do. It would seem a waste to let time pass me by without having any goal or accomplishment in life. I believe God has put us here on earth for a sufficient amount of time to live life to the fullest. It all depends on us to take the first step and turning those dreams into reality. I do admit that I like many others have many dreams that we would like to see come to pass but I must say I have yet to make an effort to make it happened. Many of the times these dreams seems like the best idea we had ever come out with. Many of the times this dreams fade away from our memory. Dreams and goals were not fulfilled because we fail to right them down and focus on achieving it. What do I want to see in the near future? What would I like to see achieved? Taking a step forward, leaving a legacy behind. Many inspirational people like Mother Theresa has long come and gone. However, many of us would still remember her because of the legacy that she left behind that had touched so many life. If there is one thing that I would like to leave behind when I die, it would not be possessions or wealth but a legacy that would inspire people to live the life that God has given to us all to the fullest. This would have to start with giving up my bad habits such as the joy of sleeping, procrastination and daydreaming. It hard to let go my habits that at times I hold so dearly because it has become a part of my life. I asked myself whether keeping this habits makes me a better person in society and the answer is pretty obvious.

I leave this week with thoughts of my future. What I want to accomplish in my career, my family and my spiritual walk in Him. I guess I have not spoken to Him that much, only through the reading of Purpose Driven Life. At times, I do missed speaking knowing that there is someone listening. Other than that, I got my first pay this week. Boy, does it feels good to have some cash in hand. Saving some for a big family dinner at the end of my internship.

Here are some pictures which I had taken from the intranet (the reason why I am not online at work is because I do not have the luxury of being connected) of the company that I am currently attached. I would try to take a more scenic view of my company. One of the joy of going to work is the excellant view of the mountains that sets a beautiful backdrop to the company. I believed that it would be Gunung Angsi.

A ground view
An aerial view
An inner view, the front desk (on the left will be bring me to my office space which situated at the back and the cafeteria where i take my daily meals. Besides, this is also where phase 1 and phase 2A is situated. On your right is the administration office where HR, Finance and Purchasing Department is located. The nearest room from the front desk is the General Manager Office, Mr Theo

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