Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The Devil Wears Prada

This is no chick flick. Yes, not a chick flick.

Looks can be deceiving. Heard of good reviews from this show and when the call came to watch it, I gladly took the oppurtunity. It was from a group of friends I knew but were not that close with. An oppurtunity to watched with a different group of people namely Esther, Joshua, Kae Ee, Michelle and Jason. Off we met at Summit, a place I used to go for my movies which I had now progress to either GSC 1U or Cathay Cineplex.

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Fashion was the outer clothing for this show. A fresh grad looking to start her career as a reporter ends up in a famous fashion magazine company. To be the assistant of the self absorb, demanding and fashion sensitive editor. Without any sense of fashion or knowledge of what the fashion world is all about, she was roped in mainly to prove if a smart fat girl could peform in the ever demanding fashion world. It was rather challenging to adapt to the demands of the editor but her perseverance soon paid out as she was able to not only perform but also transform herself into a fashion accentric girl. As demands increases, her personal life soon faded away. Life was more about work than about being herself. The change was so fast that she did not even realise who she had become. Her relationship with her boyfriend and friends began to be affected. It was difficult. But the temptation were great. Meeting with various editor of various magazine and publishing was something hard to say no to. It would be a pathway to accomplishing her dream job.

Realisation soon set in that life is more than achieving one's dream or goal in life. Was it worth giving up who she really was? Not if it was going to affect everything that had come to love and cherish; family and friends.

I could still recall watching Princess Diaries when I saw one of the most beautiful actress I have seen in ages. The purity that personifies through her acting caught my attention. Not forgetting her great features whereby the width of her mouth could be liken to Julia Roberts. It was sad to hear that she had gone to reveal more than she should in her recent movies which distorted her purity which everyone had come to appreciate. I saw that purity and innocence once again in this movie. Anne Hathaway did a great job portraying a naive and ignorant fresh grad who soon became a fashion icon herself. Merryl Streep who played the boss was outstanding. Her grey hair reminded me abit of Glenn Close in 101 Dalmation. Besides these actresses, it was the clothes from famous designers like James Holt, Dolce & Gabbana, Lagerfield and the whole lot of designers that adorn Anne Hathaway that was simply the Wow factor of the show. Boy, she was HAWT!

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Choices was inner message that the movie tried to portray. In every circumstance that we are in, choices are needed to be made. Even at times when you think that we do not have a choice, we actually do. It is up to us to stand up and make those choices. At times, it is hard. Temptation is great especially when it comes to achieving our personal goal. A measure that can be taken to see if our decision are rightly made is the effect it has with people around us. At times, it is better to forget about our dreams because people are more important.

"What good is it if a man gain the whole world, yet looses his soul." Do not loose yourself. Enjoy the trailer.

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