Saturday, October 14, 2006


Time. 24 hours a day.

Each second, each minute, each hour.

It bounds our everyday life whether we like it or not.

Eight hours of sleep, Eight hours of work,
An hour for lunch, an hour for dinner, half hour each for either breakfast or tea.
Five hours left for either a trip to the cinema, hanging out with friends at the local mamak stall, surfing the Net, blogging, indulging in a hobby, lazying around or spending it all at work.

A day has gone by. A month seem to pass by. A quarter emerges. A year vanishes.

Time. We are all bound by it.

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I try to find a time in life where our life are not bounded by time. It doesn't exist. Even being in God's house is bounded by time.

Punctuality. Being on time. Starting on time. Ending on time.
1/2 hour for praise and worship
45 minute for sermon.
People come, people leave.
The whole cycle repeats week in week out.
A ritual, a religious activity

I stop and think. Is time that important in life? It is. No doubt about it.

Without time, we will not be able to finish our work that we had plan for.
Without time, we will be late for our appointment or even an important interview.
Without time, we will just be wasted lazying around and thinking we have all the time in the world.

Though time is important, I do wish at times time should not be a measure for everything. Time can at times be a boundary for many of us. I for one do not like boundaries.

Boundaries is something I find a struggle with. Mainly a struggle to express myself. Maybe because a huge part of my life was bounded by boundaries.

Couldn't do this. Couldn't do that.

Without boundaries, I am myself.

I am comfortable doings things. I am comfortable giving ideas, strategising and planning. I am comfortable being me.

However, I must admit at times I need boundaries. Boundaries that would keep me from straying from being me. A balance in boundaries set upon ourselves in order to develop to become who we are, what we are meant to be.

Well, I guess I do wish that time does not exist. Not for time to stop but the absence of time. What would it be? I don't know. Just imagining how chaotic it maybe without time.

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