Sunday, October 22, 2006

Pop Up

As I waited for my 'char kuay teow' to be 'tapau', I headed to the nearest shop to get the day papers. It is not often I buy newspapers since my company provides Sun for my daily dosage of the news coverage. Just wanted to grab a piece of the news considering that it was the weekend and I believe there would be some interesting news or stories to read.

Paper engineering. Paper artist. It caught my attention. An interesting article written by "The Star" resident author on books, Daphne Lee who apparently have an intesting blog on books as well. The article can be read in Lifestyle column of the Star page 20 under Reads column.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

It was pretty interesting to the elements of art and presentation of stories in a rather fun and interesting manner where pictures can be displayed in a 3-dimentional fashion which would help rouse creativity. In my mind, I feel like getting hold of these books, not as book collection but an art piece considering that it is made by hand. I love the intrinsic details being put in bringing to life stories such as "Alice in Wonderland", "Jungle Book" or "Wizard of Oz". What was more interesting is the book on Star Wars which this dynamic duo would be releasing come fall 2007 which I believe Terry would simply get his hands at it. Maybe I might be the first to.

Here are some interesting links that I manage to search that may get you interested in pop-up books.

Robert Sabuda
Matthew Reinhart
Mark Hiner
Ron van der Meer
Keith Mosley
Nick Bantock
David Hawcock
Jonathan Emmett
John Patience
Joan Irvine
Wonderful World of Pop-Up And Animated Books

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