Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Shit Happens...Life Goes On

The day started in the early hours of the morning. I arose after 5 hours to sleep and prepared myself as I made my way to a little place up on a small little hill with a small little with a big crowd. It was great to see many people waking up early to come for prayer. Gone are the days where there are handful of people. Now, we have a crowd that can barely fill the space within that small little hut. The effort to build the core members of the CF have seem to bear fruits. However, it is too early to say that we have built the core. Much prayer and encouragement is still needed among us. May God grant us humility as we proceed in this effort.

We took time this morning to pray for the CF in general as the people were separated in smaller groups where a committee was there to share the struggle we face as comms and also to share with our fellow members the condition we see the CF is facing currently. We as committees have seem much changes in the CF. This changes have also been seen by others. CF hasn't been as exciting as compared to previous years. We seem to heading to a declining stage. I was sharing with Ken and Leo about it. It was clear that they too realised this change but commented that there will always be a time of ups and downs. We shouldn't worry much about this as we can never maintain a constant level all the time. There needs to be a time of up where we celebrate, and a time of down where we learn, humble ourselves and see where does God want to lead us to.

Besides that, I was pretty surprise when Esther turned in a bible she found at one of the FOE classes. It seem familiar and I was shock that it was in her hand and not in my shelf. I apparently left my bible at FOE room for almost a week and it was still there. Guess, it was good that the bible was there. Who knows a curious onlooker might have turned the pages of the bible and read a few paragraph. Other than that, a bible seems unlikely to be something people want to carry it back. I wish someone did.

Not much was done today. Wrote my blog, surf for source codes, took a look at my downloaded source code and tried to make some alteration to it, went for an hour class and went to bed for an afternoon nap that I was reluctantly wanting to wake up. An hour seems like a minute to me as my days pass by so very quickly and it was time for CF. I packed my stuff, grab my bible, got the amp and headed down to CR2046.

My CG, BLUR CG was in charge of ushers today. We handed out bumble gums to everyone that came into CF. It was a childhood reminder as many of us used to buy this particular gum that had a tattoo behind the label that could be inprinted on the hand or any part of ur body. It was kind of an impromptu idea that came out during CG the week before. The bubble gum didn't taste as nice as before. It was much harder to bring about a bubble on one gum. I needed at least 2 gums to produce a bubble. Guess, the bubble gum kept some of us awake during the message. Or as Mr Dexter puts it, a distraction for some of us.

I was really much blessed by what Mr. Dexter had to say on "Moving Out From Your Comfort Zone". Initially, I found abit hard to grasp or to accept because for someone who was new to the CF, he was really blunt and frank on his points and opinion. As time passed by, I became to feel comfortable as I found his preaching rather fatherly in nature. Evangelism seem to be the main point that he wanted to address to us all. To step out from where we are and go into the life of others around us and tell them the good news that we have. He iterated that by not telling them it was indirectly telling them to "Go To Hell". Boy, was it strong. As I began to think about, his words were true and real.

Its hard at times to go up to one person to speak about Christ. Even I sometimes find it difficult to talk about it although I had manage to speak about Christ and Christianity when the oppurtunity arises. I remember speaking to my ex-roomie, Ah Fui about Christ indirectly before. He was asking something pertaining to relationship and we discuss abit about the reason behind Christians having to find a Christian to be together. A very popular topic between Christians and non-Christians alike. Besides that, I also had manage to share my faith with Khang Yee as we discuss about our religions and the good works that he is involve in Tzu Chi. This are some of the times I do remember speaking about my faith.

I find it rather true that we need a sense of closeness to be able to talk to them about our faith less it a scenario where you try to convert them all the more. I strongly agree that we are instrument used by God to spread His work. To be sowers of His word. It is God who convict their hearts and caused them to see who He really is and give them a choice to accept Him as their personal Lord and Saviour. The harvest will come and we should be ready to reap it.

I felt really convicted and at the same time guilty for failing to go all out to witness and evangelise to my non-Christian. Besides the CF, I do have a group of friends who are non-Christian whom I can rely on. At times, I find them even more real compared to Christians. I try my very best to spend time with my fellow brothers and sisters and my other friends. That is why I seldom mix or have a core group in CF that I mix with. I am more of an all rounder and at times being like this, its hard to be close to anyone for that matter though I still have some friends I can call close.

Later after CF, some of us made our way to Puchong for supper cum dinner. On my way there, my tyre suffered a flat near Street Mall. Thank God it was nearby and not in Puchong. I decided to drive it back to campus and park near the mosque. However, the tyre couldn't be saved as it was cracked and riped apart in the centre. I left my car there and my sis, Ming Chu and myself jumped into Terry's car to Puchong. Came back an hour later and it was time to fix the flat. Thank God Terry was there or else I didn't really know how to solve the changing of the tyre and almost gave up. All in all, I didn't feel angry within me for what had happened. Thank God for His peace and direction. Shit Happens...Life Still Goes On.

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