Monday, November 29, 2004

A Fulfilling Weekend

The weekend was filled with much activity that got my parents a little worried of my sudden outgoing nature. Usually, weekends would be spend at home with my family having dinner and watching television together. This week I had an oppurtunity to get together with some of my ex-classmates for movies. Yes, movies.

Vishnu message me on Friday to ask if I was interested in watching Alexander. Thinking that an epic movie would be interesting to watch considering the amount of publicity that have been spend on promoting this historical figure, I decided to take my chances. I rope in Terry who was back for the weekend. Prince came as well but Vishal could not make it as he had other plans for the night. The four of us entered into the cinema early. Many people had come to watch this epic hero expecting an unforgetable experience. The three hours soon passed by and there was nothing great about Alexander. Scenes were flashed by so very quickly stopping by for a moment of a confrontation. The battle scenes were not that spectacular as one could hardly seen the distinct nature of the slaying of the enemy. The story was brought about too quickly and did not take its time to build up except for the beginning of the movie. Besides that, Colin Farrel did not exhuberate the powerful nature of Alexander. However, I quite satisfied with Angelina Jolie performance as the controlling mother. There was also a scene from the movie which I particularly took a liking for which was the speech that Alexander made to his comrades in India. It caused me to see how power, glory and riches can distract us from the important thing in life such as family and home.

My next movie outing was to watch "The Incredibles" last night. This time around it was with Leong, Soon Keong and Vishnu who both came with their sisters. The animation was interesting and exciting as it was filled with much actions. Besides that, the characters were well developed and each were special in its own way. I was very impress with the character's hair especially Violet and Mrs. Parr. It was even more interesting to look at when their hair was drenched with water. However, the movie was not very hilarious as there were not much jokes involve. The sudden chuckles could only be heard from the characters actions especially the baby who was simply adorable. I still prefered "Shark Tales" for its humour as the writers were able to inject laughter at certain places. It reminded me a little bit of theatre.

Other than the movie marathon, I was back again playing on the field after a two week absence. It was great to feel the ball on my legs, dashing up and down the pitch and slotting in a couple of goals. I feel very comfortable playing on the right hand side of the field. Futsal has not only allowed me to keep in shape but also to get to know new people as well. Our weekly meetings are attended by people from out of church. Friends who bring friends along to play. A common interest of football. I was thinking about initiating a similar effort with the CF in hopes of not only having fun but also as an avenue of evangelism. I hope to do that in my last semester in campus come December.

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