Tuesday, November 23, 2004

God is in Control

The week had been pretty rough for me. Things had not been going all that well. I was down with fever after my trip from Penang and the unbearable cough is still going on after one week. It is difficult to sleep at night due to the chest pounding cough as it takes me quite a while to fall asleep and thus lack of rest. This sickness had not only left me suffering but also my other family members as well as my sister and mom had caught it as well. Dad is still surviving and have been drowning himself with lots of water and fruits. Other than that, my car battery went flat yesterday at work due to a faulty break light that remained on throughout the day. Fortunately, I only needed the help from my dad with the aid of a jumper cable to start the car again. It was our first experience with it.

Despite the many uneventful events happening to me, I was not frustrated about it. The reason behind this was because I had the joy of the Lord within me. Recently, things had been going on pretty good for me despite the many unhappy events taking place. This was because I had recently began a walk with God. I find it such a joy to spend time with Him reading His word and praying to Him. Though it is just the start, the experience seems interesting as I got to know Him more daily. Besides that, reading "The Purpose Driven Life" had given me a better understanding of what life really is. I had been confuse and was on a verge of falling out of God. This was vivid in my change of character and how easily tempted I was when in certain situation. People were beginning to get uncomfortable being around me and many had felt the brawn of pride, sarcasm and complains. I knew something was wrong and I knew God was calling me back to grow closer to Him.

God was sending out a strong signal to me but I did not listen. He had to take away one of my happiness to make me realise the seriority of it. Though its hard to accept, but I am glad that it was meant for my own well being. I needed to forge back the this distant relationship which I had neglected for so long. God was reminding me to always put Him first. To make Him my utmost and only priority beside all else. Others were temporaral. I knew that God would only hear me if I draw close to Him. The experience thus far has been exciting and exhilarating. I needed to have a first hand experience with my Maker.

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