Tuesday, November 30, 2004

The Purpose Driven Life

I had finish reading "The Purpose Driven Life" today. The reading did not take me 40 days as presrcibed but a longer period than that. I had only taken a serious following in reading it about 3 weeks ago and by God's grace am able to finish reading it. I thank God was bringing me through in reading of this book as I usually do not have much patience and consistency in reading. During this period of time, I had been humbled by reading a book that a man by Rick Warren had written that have caused such a big impact around the world. He had truly learned the purpose of living. The truth about it is simple yet hard to follow by many. It is a life we live for Christ.

As I began to use this book and reading of the bible for my quiet time, I began to reflect on my life. Did I truly believe Christ enough to make him part of my life that I was willing to let go of my own desire and live for Him? This book had helped me see how much I wanted to be like Him and how far I had drifted away from becoming like Christ. It made me realise how much I had change that I was beginning to feel the difference in myself that I could no longer be comfortable in being the man that God had fashioned me to be. Pride had settled in my heart. There was no more joy in serving but job description in completing a task. I had disconnected from God's purpose and live to fulfil my standards. How selfish anf foolish I had become.

I realise then how much I needed God to come into my heart and open my eyes to see this changes and humbly asked for His help in becoming more like Him. I wanted God to be the purpose of my existence here on earth. There had been many times I had depended on other things to live my life but nothing is as strong than having Christ in me. I was blessed to have found Him. But, I needed to experience him for myself to truly realise this truth. At times, I wonder whether my faith had been based on someone else faith instead, for instance my parents. It make me realise why there is a difference between my faith and the faith of a first generation Christian. Had I become complacent to believe and not convicted to trust and acknowledge as my Lord and Saviour?

One of the most hard hitting facts in the book was about service. "The ministry is about serving believers, mission is about serving unbelievers." I realise I had lost my passion in serving. Serving requires one to give his all without expecting anything in return. A service should be rendered from one's heart without a hint of recognition or glory. At times, I feel that my contribution are taken for granted. Having such thoughts actually defeats the purpose of serving. Countless time have I had this thought and I knew I was wrong to think so. I understood what God means that our service are considered as filthy rags before Him. What I do is so small as compared to His sacrifice on the cross for our sins. I knew I had to change my mentality and helped in whatever way that I can. Besides that, I had to understand that each of us are gifted in different areas and we should not complain if one does not have the same passion as we do. Each and everyone of us plays a different role in the kingdom and we should pray for one another instead. I felt deeply in my heart to lend a helping hand in areas unseen and untouch by my peers. My service to God would be to fill in the gaps in a group. I hope to carry out my role as I served in the CF for one last semester.

Lastly, I would like to thank God for His grace that He had so richly blessed me. He had made me realised so much about myself and I knew that God is moulding me into His image. I pray daily that I would always put Him first in everything that I do because I know now that my purpose is in Christ Jesus alone. Everything will fall into place if I placed my priorities in Him.

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