Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Designs and Celebrity

I was down in KL with my family. We were on our way to Ikea and Ikano Power Centre to take a look at some furnitures that we on display. The though of finding for furnitures would ultimately bring Ikea to mind. Ikea has certainly created a successful brand awareness that the public could associate with.

Before reaching there, we stopped by in Shah Alam momentarily to look at my uncle's place that my sister and I would be staying next semester. It had been empty for quite some time and we decided to shift in as we had only one semester left. After spending nearly four and a laf years staying in hostel, I would be staying out for the first time. I had much memories staying in hostel. Getting up late and still be able to make it to class on time. Distance and transportation was not an issue. It was simply convenient.

Some may wonder at my decision to shift out since I would only have one semester. I guess a change of environment is good. Besides, I would had to start cultivating good habits from now onwards. I had to plan my time nicely, wake up early and leave the house at an appropriate time. There would be no free connection and I would need to use dial-up to get online. It would take me some time to get used with this new lifestyle but I find it quite interesting.

After surveying and having in mind the arrangement of the apartment, we made our way to Ikano before heading down to Ikea. I had always taken a liking for interior design, not forgetting architecture. Designing space and filling it with funritures, decorations and apparels seems to excite me alot. With the new place, it would be my first attempt for a makeover. We did not buy much from Ikea but merely look around for ideas to decorate our new place. Interior is nice to see but it not cheap and involve a hefty sum that may be not pleasing to the pocket. I needed to have a plan and a budget before I begin this little project. I always believe that good interior decorators are the ones who are able to transform the house into a beautiful piece of work with a limited budget.

As we left Ikea in our car, I spotted a very familiar face coming out from the doors into the car park. She look very familiar but I was not sure whether she is what I had in mind until I saw her closeup. I had seen Janet Khoo in person. In my opinion, she is one of the most attractive Malaysian celebrity. Her credentials includes being the few Chinese actress involve in Malay teledrama and movies. Her recent featured length movie was "Paloh". I was awestruck and began telling my sisters and parents about her. However, they were less excited than I was.

Many of us would usually careless of our local celebrities. Instead, we know more of those in the international scene. My sisters and I had come to know local celebrities be it actors and actresses, models or art performers from television and newspapers. We could easily spot a local celebrity in a crowd. I guess local celebrities are very fortunate and are able to walk in the street without being notice. This is comparatively different in the overseas when paparazzi follow their every move hoping to snap the best picture of them in public.

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