Thursday, December 23, 2004

Life Is Short, Make It Count

I had a phone call from home today. Mom would usually call my sis and I occassionally to catch up with things and how we were doing. As we were speaking, my mom told me a sudden news. The former Wesley Methodist Seremban pastor, Pastor Paul had passed away after a heart attack. I had seen him before but did not know him. My grandparents attends the church and I heard that they were quite sad about it.

They had just had a farewell function for him last Sunday. Everything seem alright. The pastor fellowship of Seremban had initially wanted to have a farewell function for him as well. Plans were made and comfirm with his wife. I remembered Pastor Gan speaking about it when my family met him during lunch on Sunday. They were actually preparing to migrate to Perth.

The day before, he had complain of a chest pain after having dinner and soon after had heart attack and went off thereafter to meet with the Lord. It was fast and unexpected. There was no indication whatsoever before this. God had decided that it was time for Him to meet him.

Who are we to say that this life is ours? God can give life and also take it away. Our life depends on God. Everyday we awake from our sleep is considered a blessing. Many times we or I fail to realise that God is in control of everything. Even ths small things in our life. It is our destiny to live our life for Him and let Him take control of it. I believe if we have reached this place in time, we would experience His blessings. There would be no worries or doubts. Joy, love and peace would fill our hearts. God is good, all the time.

My condolences to Pastor Paul and family. May God comfort you in your time of bereavement and give you peace. God bless

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