Monday, December 20, 2004

My Last Few Days at PSS

I haven't been able to post much of my thoughts lately due to hectic schedule. It had been a busy last few days at work where I had to crammed in two days of report writing. It was not enough and had to return back to office the next day, a Saturday to finish up editing and also getting my report printed before I return back to campus on Monday. I seriously found out that report writing is not very easy. The worse part of it was not writing but was the print screen process where I had to cut it out in Paint Shop and then convert them to jpg format before inserting into my report. The report was finally done but I kind of felt bad a little as I could not finish the work completely before I left. I hope that I had at least a month to work on the program codes. However, I did my best and hope the following trainees would be able to understand my work.

It had been a great three and half months at PSS. I had learned alot from the working experience as well as the people who I work alongside with me. They had been friendly and I enjoyed their company throughout my stay. I would miss the break times and lunches we would usually have. Not forgetting hearing about dies, customers complains or ATF breaking down. I will always treasure those time and hope that I would be able to keep in touch with them even I am no longer in PSS anymore. Who knows, I might be joining them in the future.

(Pictures to be uploaded soon...)

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