Thursday, December 23, 2004

A Man After God's Own Heart

I made my way to uni late in the afternoon mainly to hand in my report for my industrial training and to do a little of my FYP project. My mornings were spend by getting the phoneline to my house fix, making a trip to Glad Sounds Taipan for some Christmas shopping (its on SALE) and buying some groceries (food) at Giant Subang.

I began my travel to Taipan and boy, was the traffic horendous. I could not find a parking space at all. Cars were parking behind the parked cars and along the side of the roads where there was an obvious yellow line. I could have easily done that but I was remembered of my experience of getting a summon by the ever so efficient MPPJ, I rather wait for a while rather than go through that hassle again. I finally found one which was quite far away from the place but it was good as I had a chance to see the shops that were around the area.

I made my way to Glad Sounds and was surprised that it was on sale. Great time to search for Christmas items in a Christian bookshop. Initially, I had gone there to find a specific item for a friend of mine but they did not have it. So, I began browsing around the book session to see if I would be able to come across any interesting books. I can't remember the last time I actually went book searching or even bought a book. It was different this time around as I wanted to find something that would speak to my heart at this current point of time. As I browse through the shelf, I came across "A Man After God's Own Heart" by Jim George. My heart began to tingle. This was something I had been praying for God to change me during the past week. I really wanted to know what God's heart really is just like David in the Bible knew about. I grabbed the book though hesistant a little because of the price and that I was not used to buying books. At the end of the day, I had it in a bag and hope to start reading it after finishing my other book. I guess it kind of reminded me about what Pas. Khoo said the day before,

" A man is made by the books he reads and the people he meets."

I wanted to start reading again, especially the Bible and books that would help me in coming to know Him better.

I made my way thereafter to the nearest hypermarket which was Giant to get a few groceries. It was my first time out shopping alone to get things for the house. Normally, it would be with sisters or my mum. It was good to go around the shelf to search for things that I could add to the fridge and at the same time check out the prices for each of these things. I wanted to buy some ham to keep in the fridge for breakfast but found not a single one except those in sealed packages. You can't really find any pork products in Giant, maybe except the ones in can. As time was short, I quickly grab all my stuff and hurried back home stopping by at one of the shops nearby to get a quick lunch. I was then off to campus to get certain things regarding about FYP settled especially obtaining PCs at Intel lab for our project. I got to meet my supervisor as well to go through our project but he did stressed our project solely lies in our hands and it was up to us to make the best of it.

I stayed back to join my CG for dinner. Not all the people were there as some had CC practices to attend to at different times and venue. It was good to see some of the CG people but it was quite a quiet affair and there was not much of a topic to begin with. We then made out way to Poh Yee's place to help out with the door gift. They were all together 400 of these little blue packets that we had to paste, cut, fold and draw. Though it was tedious, it was enjoyable as we laugh ou way through telling stories after stories. It was a good feeling to hang out and fellowship with them. I had made it a point to come back and help put as much as I can in whatever things that needed help with for CC. Hope that being there would encourage them to go all out in making it a success. I believe from this whole thing that we would be close with one another and pray that God would guide us through this whole preparation.

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