Sunday, December 05, 2004


My sudden interest in reading the Word of God had caused a ripple affect. I was beginning to enjoy reading. It was quite common for me to find it difficult to finish a book, more so Christian literature. I was more accustomed with short articles that did not require long hours to finish. However, that all change when I finish re-reading Joshua Harris "Not Even A Hint" in 3 days. Some may think that that is a similingly easy task to accomplish as the book is not that very thick and coult be finish in a day for some. For me, I only read it when my mind could not think further and took breaks in between to read a passage or two. I was excited when I finish. Not merely excited that I had finish a book in 3 days but because I had learn much more from re-reading it.

I am now embarking on reading a book that had been given by a friend that I had failed to complete. It had taken me months to finish but I decided to finish it as soon as possible this time. It was a book called "Courageous Leadership" by Bill Hybels. I remember sharing it with the previous committee about my reading of the first chapter. That was the last chapter I ever read from the book. I hope to share with the current committee of my reading once I finish reading it.

I realise that I had not invest much of my time and finances reading God's work and other Christian materials. In the coming year, I hope to inculcate a habit of reading God's Word as I wanted to know Christ in a more deeper way and have a relationship with Him. I know for now that if I put my faith in Him, He will surely guide me in my life. All I wanted now was to live for Him and put Him first in everything that I do.

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